Tak to się robi w Ameryce - konkurs fotograficzny magazynu PDN

Tak to się robi w Ameryce - konkurs fotograficzny magazynu PDN26.06.2013 18:30
Wojciech Gadomski

Nowojorski miesięcznik Photo District News ogłosił zwycięzców konkursu PDN Photo Annual 2013. Bieżąca, trzynasta edycja,  prezentuje się znakomicie.

Galerie zwycięzców konkursu i wyróżnionych są nie do przebrania za jednym posiedzeniem. 22 sędziów, 10 kategorii, tysiące zgłoszonych zdjęć od fotografów z całego świata. To prawdziwa uczta dla oka i wrażliwości każdego miłośnika fotografii i filmu. Jest po amerykańsku, rządzi innowacyjność i prostota, wszystko wolno.

Formuła konkursu jest otwarta na wszelkie typy fotografii i jej zastosowania. Reklama, dokument, fotografia stockowa, produktowa, design, osobiste projekty, prace studentów, książki, strony internetowe, po prostu wszystko. W jury zasiadają 22 osobistości z różnych dziedzin fotografii, produkcji, jest zaledwie kilku fotografów. Poza 10 kategoriami prace były nagradzane przez sponsorów, czyli: Epson, Adobe, Sony. Przyznano też nagrody patronacki np. "The Arnold Newman Prize for New Directions in Photographic Portraiture".

[solr id="fotoblogia-pl-72502" excerpt="0" image="0" words="20" _url="http://olga.drenda.fotoblogia.pl/1562,inspirujace-fotografie-swiata-w-konkursie-national-geographic-traveler-photo-contest-galeria" _mphoto="natgeo01-72502-252x168-e9ff4e653.jpg"][/solr][block src="solr" position="inside"]2984[/block]

Uważne przejrzenie wszystkich nagrodzonych prac trochę trwa, nie mówiąc o filmach, ale warto. To podróż inspirująca i odświeżająca, po której chce się fotografować.

Wszystkie zdjęcia znajdziecie w galerii PDN Photo Annual 2013.

[9/33] Evangelos Fradelos, 96 years old. © Andrea Frazzetta / The New York Times / LUZphoto
[18/33] 3/27/11 - A bridesmaid pours a drink for the bachelorette in a limo while heading out for a night of mischief. The bachelorette party has become known as a night of ‘sanctioned debauchery’ with popular activities including heavy drinking, all night partying and sexually themed games. Part of series, 'Bachelorette'
[22/33] Two men sit on a bench next to a Tommy Bahama billboard on 5th Avenue.
[23/33] Enatorama Jalloh, 36, delivers her first child in 15 years at the Gondama Government Clinic in Bo District, Sierra Leone, October 26, 2012. Enatorama had a baby who died, and had not been able to get pregnant again until this child, and she spent her labor praying for a safe delivery and a healthy child. Sierra Leone has one of the highest rates of maternal mortality in the world, with only three OB/GYNs working in government hospitals around the country--the same amount as currently working in the privately-run MSF Gondama Referral Center, alone. Though the government of Sierra Leone introduced free health care to pregnant and lactating women, and children under 5, across the country in 2010, the services and trained medical staff are inaccessible to much of the population. MSF has been able to reduce the rate of maternal deaths in the country by providing 24-hour emergency obstetric care, along with an ambulance system, in which ambulances are made available to villages across the district in Bo to pick up women who have complications with their pregnancies. Since 2010, the rate of maternal deaths have decreased by roughly 60% in Bo District because of these services, though women are still facing a high risk of death during childbirth across the country. (Credit: Lynsey Addario/ VII)
[24/33] Nov. 4, 2012. Breezy Point, N.Y.: On the night Sandy made landfall, a fire swept through this community on the tip of the Rockaway Peninsula, consuming more than 100 homes.
[25/33] A father crying while holding his dead child in front of Dar Al Shifa hospital, Aleppo, Syria, 03 October 2012. Syrian Army has continued to shell Aleppo and claims Al-Sakhour district is now clean of 'mercenaries and terrorists'. Activists in Syria said the death toll from violence across the country reached 80 just on 04 October, mainly in the northern provinces of Idlib and Aleppo, as well as suburban areas of the capital Damascus. Rebels claimed they have downed a fighter jet near Aleppo, a day after suicide bombings killed at least 31 people, mainly government soldiers. Both sides have been fighting for months for control of Aleppo, Syria's biggest city and the country's commercial hub. EPA/MAYSUN
[26/33] Caption:Every day, John McLean, 65, visits the St. Vincent DePaul Society Dining Hall. Here homeless and poor people can come in off the street and eat a good meal, socialize and get warm. In 2011, Youngstown was named the poorest of the 100 largest cities in the US. More than one in three citizens live below the poverty line and half the inhabitants live in areas characterized by extreme poverty.Story Introduction:Once the symbol of a robust steel industry and blue-collar economy, Youngstown, Ohio, has become a key icon in the tragic tale of American deindustrialization.The city has lost 60 percent of its population since 1960, and many of those remaining struggle to survive in a city where few blue-collar jobs are left and where abandoned houses leave plenty of space for drug dealers while also offering shelter for the homeless. In 2011 it was named the poorest of Americas 100 largest cities, and Youngstown is still waiting for the shale gas adventure to turn decades of decay into a new golden era.It seems like no coincidence that it was in Youngstown that vice-presidential candidate Paul Ryan visited a soup kitchen hours after the poor and the homeless had left the place - only to use it for a photo opportunity.
[27/33] The goal of these photographs is to show Union Beach at night after contractors and volunteers left for the day, how the area has turned into a ghost town. All the photographs are taken with long exposures ranging from 1 to 30 seconds while the camera was mounted on a tripod. The only light illuminating the photographs is from the ambient light. This might be a streetlight, a passing car in the distance or in some areas where there was no street lights due to the destruction, they were only illuminated by the moonlight. 705 Front Street. Night photos of Union Beach, NJ. An indepth look at the devastation of Union Beach caused by hurricane Sandy. Tuesday December 11, 2012. UNION BEACH, NJ, USA. (Aristide Economopoulos/The Star-Ledger)
[28/33] In February 2012 extreme weather conditions brought the Bulgarian transport system to a near standstill, heavy snow storms and record-low temperatures have blocked many regions in the country, as well as in the entire European region. The temperatures dropped to around minus 20 Celsius, officials have appealed to people to stay indoors and be careful. Police searched for homeless to make sure they didn't freeze to death. The exceptionally cold weather and snowstorms that hit Europe in February 2012, caused traffic chaos, road closures, straining emergency services, grounding flights and pushing the death toll past 300 people and left entire villages cut off.I have documented this event in my series 'Freezing' capturing the distant stares of passengers frozen behind frosted windows.
[29/33] Protestors gather near the cordon of riot police officers by the stairway of the Congress during a demonstration to marking the European coordinated general strike in Lisbon, Portugal, on November 14, 2012. Around 1.4 million people are currently unemployed in Portugal, and only 370,000 of them have receiving monthly social support from the government, leaving around 1 million people without the benefit. Over youths, unemployment rates is breaking records reaching 39% in the third quarter of the year, or equivalent to more than 175,000 people. The official unemployment rate in Portugal is currently on 15.7%, a bit away from the highest European rate in Spain, with 25.8%, followed by Greece with 25.1% of jobless. Photo by Mauricio Lima for The New York Times
[30/33] Rupert Trevino, a VIP guest of the Marquee Las Vegas, drinks a $21,000 mega bottle of Veuve Clicquot Ponsardin champagne in a VIP booth on a sold-out Friday night. Located in the Cosmopolitan Hotel, Las Vegas, Marquee is the highest grossing nightclub in America and relies heavily on selling premium champagne and liquor bottle service to a clientele eager to spend large sums of money.
[32/33] OSLO, NORWAY - January 16, 2012: On August 20, 2006, Anne Grethe Solberg was sitting in her soon to be ex-husband’s kitchen. The divorce papers were on the table. She gathered them up, gave him a hug and said: “See you soon”. “No you won’t”, he answered, and pulled out a gun from behind the kitchen door. She hesitated. Then it dawned on her what the gun was for. She walked backwards out the door, screaming. The first shot penetrated her hip. The next her chest, just below the shoulder. She was lying face down in the gravel outside the house thinking: “I must breathe carefully, with my stomach, so he does not see that I am still alive”.A neighbor saw what happened and called the police. Whit-in 7-8 minutes they came to her rescue. Solberg survived, but lost an arm and walks with a limp due to extensive hip damage.Since the dramatic day in 2006, Anne Grethe Solberg – whom herself is a Sociologist specializing in gender issues and works as an organizational gender consultant – has been a vocal advocate for a new approach to dealing with violence against women. Just as many believe ‘the system’ does not ‘see’ the victims, Solberg believes the Norwegian society fails to recognize the signs in men who batter and eventually kill their partner – and thus fails to adopt preventive measures.
[33/33] ©TBWA
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