Jana Romanova opowiada o współczesnej Rosji [inspiracje]

Pamiętacie „7 Rooms”, rosyjskie reportaże Rafała Milacha? Podobne tematy, choć z innej perspektywy, bo od środka, podejmuje Jana Romanova.

Jana Romanova opowiada o współczesnej Rosji [inspiracje]
Olga Drenda

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Rosja to osobna planeta, niewyczerpane źródło inspiracji dla reportera (czytelnicy książek Jacka Hugo-Badera wiedzą o tym doskonale) i dla fotografa. Całkiem niedawno w Warszawie prezentowano zdjęcia Rafała Milacha, opowiadające o życiu młodych mieszkańców Rosji dzisiaj. Do 20 października natomiast w galerii Lookout (również w stolicy) trwa wystawa fotografii Jany Romanovej. To okazja, aby poznać spojrzenie na Rosję od środka. Romanova najbardziej interesuje się zwyczajnym człowiekiem i, podobnie jak Rafał Milach, zastanawia się nad zmianami, które zaszły w społeczeństwie po upadku ZSRR.


[solr id="fotoblogia-pl-59325" excerpt="0" image="0" words="20" _url="http://olga.drenda.fotoblogia.pl/2115,slady-prl-w-obiektywie-antoniego-loskota-inspiracje" _mphoto="cbe-3541-4d54-91b0-85d2e-23bf3cb.jpg"][/solr][block src="solr" position="inside"]2214[/block]

W jej reportażach pojawiają się młodzi rodzice oczekujący na narodziny dziecka, przyłapani tuż przed przebudzeniem, ratownicy medyczni, członkowie bractw rycerskich i miłośnicy fantasy (warto zwrócić uwagę na ten cykl!), ale również ostatni mieszkańcy rdzennych ludów Rosji.

Jak przystało na dobrą dokumentalistkę, Jana Romanova mówi, że z bohaterami spędza wiele czasu i stara się jak najlepiej poznać ich życie. "Wszystko po to, żeby lepiej zrozumieć własne" – dodaje. Najlepiej widać to w zdjęciach z cyklu "W", którego bohaterkami są zwyczajne kobiety, ale również sama Jana naśladująca ich pozy (myślą przewodnią cyklu są słowa jej babci: "W kobiecie ładne są tylko nogi").

RUSSIA/Saint-Petersburg/Young Russian couples, inhabitants of Saint-Petersburg and Moscow, are sleeping in their own bedrooms. I photographed them early in the morning, - the time when people don't really care about their appearance, - trying to understand not only what kind of attitude do they have to each other and to this little life that is growing between them, but also making an investigation on the environment of their rooms, when the whole space can tell a story of who these people are and what are they doing. And thus get an idea of how do young families live in big cities of modern Russia, 20 years later after the fall of the Soviet Union.The project consists of 40 images (as 40 weeks in pregnancy).2009-2011. Saint-Petersburg-Moscow. Russia.© Jana Romanova/Anzenberger
RUSSIA/Saint-Petersburg/Young Russian couples, inhabitants of Saint-Petersburg and Moscow, are sleeping in their own bedrooms. I photographed them early in the morning, - the time when people don't really care about their appearance, - trying to understand not only what kind of attitude do they have to each other and to this little life that is growing between them, but also making an investigation on the environment of their rooms, when the whole space can tell a story of who these people are and what are they doing. And thus get an idea of how do young families live in big cities of modern Russia, 20 years later after the fall of the Soviet Union.The project consists of 40 images (as 40 weeks in pregnancy).2009-2011. Saint-Petersburg-Moscow. Russia.© Jana Romanova/Anzenberger

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  • RUSSIA/Saint-Petersburg/Young Russian couples, inhabitants of Saint-Petersburg and Moscow, are sleeping in their own bedrooms. I photographed them early in the morning, - the time when people don't really care about their appearance, - trying to understand not only what kind of attitude do they have to each other and to this little life that is growing between them, but also making an investigation on the environment of their rooms, when the whole space can tell a story of who these people are and what are they doing. And thus get an idea of how do young families live in big cities of modern Russia, 20 years later after the fall of the Soviet Union.The project consists of 40 images (as 40 weeks in pregnancy).2009-2011. Saint-Petersburg-Moscow. Russia.© Jana Romanova/Anzenberger
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  • LATVIA / Kuldiga / When I was a child my grandma used to tell me that that only thing beautiful in a woman is her legs...What is beauty? In this project I asked different young women to do whatever they feel comfortable for the moment and copied their poses, trying to understand what is it to be feminine, does it come only from your body and clothes or it is something from inside of a woman's nature.© Jana Romanova / Anzenberger
  • LATVIA / Kuldiga / When I was a child my grandma used to tell me that that only thing beautiful in a woman is her legs...What is beauty? In this project I asked different young women to do whatever they feel comfortable for the moment and copied their poses, trying to understand what is it to be feminine, does it come only from your body and clothes or it is something from inside of a woman's nature.© Jana Romanova / Anzenberger
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